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Rare and Out of Print Titles

Gamezenter has a number of rare and out of print titles available for game connoisseurs. Some titles will be new and some prior-owned or open copies.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Force and Destiny - Alchemist Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Unlock the full power of your Mystic with the Alchemist Specialization Deck for Star Wars™: Force and Destiny™! Each Force and Destiny Specialization Deck includes twenty cards detailing the talents of a specialization. More than just quick reference cards for the gaming table, the Alchemist Specialization Deck features thematic art on every card to immerse you in a galaxy far, far away. The Alchemist specialization allows players to embody the class of creators who work in the physical and, through their desire to make things with purpose, have come to imbue inanimate objects with the Living Force. While forbidden by the Jedi, this art binds the Force to potions and elixirs similarly to how Jedis built their own lightsabers. Practical and results-oriented, the Alchemists and their creations can be both powerful and deadly. The Mystic Alchemist Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck)and 20 standard sized talent cards This is not a standalone product. It requires a copy of Unlimited Power to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Force and Destiny - Prophet Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Unlock the full power of your Mystic with the Prophet Specialization Deck for Star Wars™: Force and Destiny™! Each Force and Destiny Specialization Deck includes twenty cards detailing the talents of a specialization. More than just quick reference cards for the gaming table, the Prophet Specialization Deck features thematic art on every card to immerse you in a galaxy far, far away. The Prophet specialization embodies those who see the patterns of destiny and choose to act as the voice of the Force. They provide insight and warnings to others about what lays in their path, but the question remains: are they simply seeing the future, or are they changing it to make it real? The Mystic Prophet Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Force and Destiny - Advisor Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Influence powerful individuals with the Advisor Specialization Deck for the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ roleplaying game. Each Force and Destiny Specialization Deck includes twenty talent cards for a single specialization. Thematic art on every card helps immerse you more fully in the Star Wars universe. With these cards players and GMs can easily comprehend the magnificent powers that players possess and stay focused on the path towards destiny. Advisors use the knowledge they gain through the Force to guide other sentients, from planetary governors and Rebellion diplomats to downtrodden individuals trying to escape from dire circumstances. They may also wield the Force to sense emotions, discern secrets, and even change reluctant minds. The Advisor Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Force and Destiny - Aggressor Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Strike fear into your enemies’ hearts with the Aggressor Specialization Deck for the Star Wars®:Force and Destiny™ roleplaying game. Each Force and Destiny Specialization Deck includes twenty talent cards for a single specialization. Thematic art on every card helps immerse you more fully in the Star Wars universe. With these cards players and GMs can easily comprehend the magnificent powers that players possess and stay focused on the path towards destiny. Tough and dangerous combatants, Aggressors often use fear to make their foes surrender or retreat in order to avoid a fight. They are best at taking down criminal enforcers and underworld thugs, their powers of coercion just as formidable as their punishing strength. The Aggressor Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Force and Destiny - Navigator Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Few can match Navigators in charting hyperspace passages or plotting overland routes. For these Seekers, a journey’s final destination is less important than the methods used to reach it. Go wherever the Force may lead you with the Navigator Specialization Deck for the Star Wars™:Force and Destiny™ roleplaying game. Each Force and Destiny Specialization Deck includes twenty talent cards for a single specialization. These cards help players and GMs more easily comprehend the magnificent powers that they possess, and thematic art immerses you more fully in the Star Wars universe. The Navigator Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Force and Destiny - Teacher Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    The Teacher has learned all they can and now seek to share that wisdom with others; bring out the full potential of your Consular and their students with the Teacher Specialization Deck for the Star Wars™: Force and Destiny™ roleplaying game. Each Force and Destiny Specialization Deck includes twenty cards detailing the talents of a specialization. More than just quick reference cards for the gaming table, the Teacher Specialization Deck features thematic art on every card to help bring the Star Wars galaxy to life. After the dissolution of the Jedi Order, how might a Consular knowledgeable in the ways of the Force benefit the galaxy? The Teacher specialization encourages the learned scholar to do something proactive with that knowledge: pass it on to another. A skilled teacher does not simply impart their skills on their students; no, they work to enhance the innate abilities of all who would learn from them. When working with such a mentor, a student is able to attain far greater heights than they would alone. While some Teachers still use a more formal school, many will just as easily turn a bog or a freighter cargo hold into an impromptu classroom. The Consular Teacher Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ Core Rulebook and Disciples of Harmony is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Force and Destiny - Ascetic Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Focus on inner strength by foregoing the trappings of the material world with the Ascetic Specialization Deck for the Star Wars™: Force and Destiny™ roleplaying game. Each Force and Destiny Specialization Deck includes twenty cards detailing the talents of a specialization. More than just quick reference cards for the gaming table, the Ascetic Specialization Deck features thematic art on every card to help bring the Star Wars galaxy to life. Ascetics are driven to calmer and more contemplative lives, judging accomplishments not by credits or possessions but by the depth of their understanding of the Force. Years of training have afforded the Ascetic tolerances for environmental conditions the average adventurer might be hindered by. Demanding physical training and a high strain threshold ensure that the Ascetic is always a valued member of a group. The Consular Ascetic Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards This is not a standalone product. It is supplemental to the Disciples of Harmony sourcebook.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Driver Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Climb effortlessly through the ranks of the Rebel Alliance with Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks! Created via FFG’s in-house manufacturing, Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks each come with twenty talent cards for a single specialization, so you can keep the text of your character’s abilities at your fingertips. Whether you’re learning the ropes, flying starfighters into battle, or exchanging blaster fire with Imperial Stormtroopers, Specialization Decks will help you spend less time reviewing the rules so you have more time to battle the evil Galactic Empire! On or above the ground, Drivers become part of the machines they drive. Talented and imaginative enough to attempt maneuvers no design engineer ever intended, the best Drivers appear to move effortlessly through even the most difficult terrain. Keep your cards at hand and your eyes on the road. The Driver Specialization Deck will help keep you steady at the wheel. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Scientist Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Climb effortlessly through the ranks of the Rebel Alliance with Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks! Created via FFG’s in-house manufacturing, Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks each come with twenty talent cards for a single specialization, so you can keep the text of your character’s abilities at your fingertips. Spend less time consulting your blueprints and more time updating Rebel tech, blowing up Imperial shield generators, and convincing the galaxy’s citizens to join the fight for freedom! The Alliance is constantly forced to find creative solutions to problems, including matters of supply, housing, transport, effective weaponry, defenses, and a host of others. The people they turn to for those creative solutions are those who are trained and driven to identify a need and seek out a technical solution to it – in other words, Scientists like you. Most Scientists prefer to work in labs, but the reality of war is such that even Scientists must sometimes face blaster fire. In such cases, it’s helpful to consolidate your resources, and the Engineer Scientist Specialization Deck can help to keep your talents close at hand, even in the heat of battle. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Recruit Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Climb effortlessly through the ranks of the Rebel Alliance with Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks! Created via FFG’s in-house manufacturing, Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks each come with twenty talent cards for a single specialization, so you can keep the text of your character’s abilities at your fingertips. Whether you’re learning the ropes, flying starfighters into battle, or exchanging blaster fire with Imperial Stormtroopers, Specialization Decks will help you spend less time reviewing the rules so you have more time to battle the evil Galactic Empire! Any level of involvement in the Empire versus Alliance conflict can get a person embroiled in conflict very quickly. Regardless of your role in the group, knowing how to throw a punch, shoot a blaster, or drive a vehicle can be crucial in the field. It may even mean the difference between life and death. With the Recruit Specialization Deck, you can improve your odds and help get your team out of sticky situations. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Engineer Signature Abilities

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Signature Abilities reward the most dedicated characters in the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion™ Roleplaying Game. Display your talents and immerse yourself in adventure with Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks! Available through FFG’s in-house manufacturing, the Engineer Signature Abilities Deck includes all the cards you need to keep track of your Signature Abilities and their upgrades. With these cards in hand, you can spend less time researching your options and more time experiencing the thrills of life in the Star Wars universe. Unmatched Ingenuity puts the Engineer’s utility on full display, allowing them to adapt any weapon or tool in order to overcome the problem at hand. The Harder They Fall makes even the hardest targets vulnerable, whether implacable structure, mighty starship, or terrifying droid. The Engineer Signature Abilities Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 18 standard sized talent cards These are not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Agitator Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Climb effortlessly through the ranks of the Rebel Alliance with Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks! Created via FFG’s in-house manufacturing, Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks each come with twenty talent cards for a single specialization, so you can keep the text of your character’s abilities at your fingertips. Spend less time consulting your blueprints and more time updating Rebel tech, blowing up Imperial shield generators, and convincing the galaxy’s citizens to join the fight for freedom! The Empire’s main weapon, more effective than all of the incredible firepower at its disposal, is fear. Fear lets it maintain order and authority over the countless beings in its thrall. Accordingly, Agitators are tasked with helping others overcome that fear, replacing it with anger, courage, or a sense of righteousness – anything that inspires them to rise up, take up arms, reject the tyrannical government that has long oppressed them, and help restore freedom and justice to the galaxy. As an Agitator, your job requires that you tread carefully, and you’ll do well to keep track of all your resources with the Diplomat Agitator Specialization Deck. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Beast Rider Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Climb effortlessly through the ranks of the Rebel Alliance with Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks! Created via FFG’s in-house manufacturing, Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks each come with twenty talent cards for a single specialization, so you can keep the text of your character’s abilities at your fingertips. Spend less time consulting your blueprints and more time updating Rebel tech, blowing up Imperial shield generators, and convincing the galaxy’s citizens to join the fight for freedom! Beast Riders are not just adept at riding trained mounts, but can break in wild mounts and train them to perform incredible feats, even in the heat of battle. Their ease with animals is accompanied by a lifetime of experience in the outdoors and strong survival skills, allowing Beast Riders to succeed on Rebel missions in any environment found in the galaxy Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Figurehead Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Become the public face of the Rebellion with the Figurehead Specialization Deck for the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ roleplaying game. Available through our in-house manufacturing division, each Age of Rebellion Specialization Deck includes twenty talent cards for a single specialization. Thematic art on every card helps immerse you more fully in the Star Wars universe. With these cards, players and GMs can easily utilize a Figurehead’s magnetic presence, inspiring words, and leadership expertise. Figureheads work with generals, politicians, and ground troops alike. They’re confident and comfortable in the public eye, encouraging solders to fight and civilians to supply aid. Figureheads remain calm in the middle of crises, helping those they lead to solve problems and succeed in the most difficult times. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Sapper Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Star Wars: Age of Rebellion™ Specialization Decks, available through Print on Demand, provide GMs and players with a fun and easy way to manage character and NPC talents at the gaming table. New and experienced players alike will appreciate these handy reference cards, and GMs will love being able to keep the action moving. You’ll have the text of your talents at your fingertips, leaving you free to focus on the challenges at hand, while art for each talent immerses you even further into the Star Wars universe. Sappers are the quintessential battlefield Engineer. Whether constructing protective structures or demolishing enemy ones, the Sapper turns explosive power into a useful tool. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Gunner Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Climb effortlessly through the ranks of the Rebel Alliance with Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks! Created via FFG’s in-house manufacturing, Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks each come with twenty talent cards for a single specialization, so you can keep the text of your character’s abilities at your fingertips. Whether you’re learning the ropes, flying starfighters into battle, or exchanging blaster fire with Imperial Stormtroopers, Specialization Decks will help you spend less time reviewing the rules so you have more time to battle the evil Galactic Empire! For Gunners, the output of a vehicle or ship weapon is the ultimate expression of projected power. They see mastery of such weapons as a way for a single person to show the Empire what it means to fight for freedom. With the Gunner Specialization Deck, you’ll be sure to sharpen your aim and cripple your foes. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Rigger Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Climb effortlessly through the ranks of the Rebel Alliance with Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks! Created via FFG’s in-house manufacturing, Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks each come with twenty talent cards for a single specialization, so you can keep the text of your character’s abilities at your fingertips. Spend less time consulting your blueprints and more time updating Rebel tech, blowing up Imperial shield generators, and convincing the galaxy’s citizens to join the fight for freedom! Riggers are always adding, tweaking, and fine-tuning their vehicles to achieve the highest performance. They can solve almost any mechanical problem they come across, and are perfectly comfortable controlling the guns of a starfighter or bartering with underworld contacts for illicit technology. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Ace Signature Abilities

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Climb effortlessly through the ranks of the Rebel Alliance with Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks! Created via FFG’s in-house manufacturing, Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks let you keep the text of your character’s abilities at your fingertips. Spend less time consulting your blueprints and more time updating Rebel tech, blowing up Imperial shield generators, and convincing the galaxy’s citizens to join the fight for freedom! The Ace Signature Abilities let your Ace character take out enemy targets more efficiently and keep fighting longer. This One Is Mine allows an Ace to ignore the chaos of battle and focus on an individual enemy targets without distraction. Unmatched Survivability keeps your ship going strong even after it has taken damage that would put another vehicle out of commission. The Ace Signature Abilities Deck enables you to tap into these abilities easily and stay focused on the action. Each Signature Abilities Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 18 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Droid Specialist Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Star Wars: Age of Rebellion™ Specialization Decks, available through Print on Demand, provide GMs and players with a fun and easy way to manage character and NPC talents at the gaming table. New and experienced players alike will appreciate these handy reference cards, and GMs will love being able to keep the action moving. You’ll have the text of your talents at your fingertips, leaving you free to focus on the challenges at hand, while art for each talent immerses you even further into the Star Wars universe. The Droid Specialist builds and maintains the ubiquitous robotic companions found nearly everywhere in the galaxy. Whether viewing these droids as merely tools or true companions, Droid Specialists provide essential support at every level of the Rebellion. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Courier Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Stay on your toes in a game of Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion with Specialization Decks for your Spies! The Courier Specialization Deck has a card for every talent in the Courier specialization, keeping all of your abilities at your fingertips as you run behind enemy lines to deliver vital intel. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Age of Rebellion - Shipwright Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Star Wars: Age of Rebellion™ Specialization Decks, available through Print on Demand, provide GMs and players with a fun and easy way to manage character and NPC talents at the gaming table. New and experienced players alike will appreciate these handy reference cards, and GMs will love being able to keep the action moving. You’ll have the text of your talents at your fingertips, leaving you free to focus on the challenges at hand, while art for each talent immerses you even further into the Star Wars universe. Shipwrights turn efficiency and pragmatism into an art. Vehicles and starships are some of the most expensive and resource-intensive equipment in the galaxy, and a smart Shipwright strives to get every last drop of efficiency from them. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Republic and Separatist II Adversary Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Explore the final days of the Republic with the Republic and Separatist II Adversary Deck for Star Wars™ Roleplaying! Featuring 20 NPCs from the Collapse of the Republic Sourcebook, this adversary deck keeps your campaign at your fingertips! These adversary cards put all of the information GMs need to manage NPCs during a game session right at their fingertips, without having to page through multiple books to find it. Additionally, the card format makes it easier for GMs to prepare between sessions. Players can also use these cards to represent NPC allies and hired help. Statistics and skills are presented on one side of each adversary card, with talents, abilities, and equipment on the other. Additionally each card contains art and a description that the GM can use to help set the scene during a game session.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Force and Destiny - Peacekeeper Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Lead the fight for freedom with the Peacekeeper Specialization Deck for the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ roleplaying game. Each Force and Destiny Specialization Deck includes twenty talent cards for a single specialization. Thematic art on every card helps immerse you more fully in the Star Wars universe. With these cards players and Game Masters can easily comprehend the magnificent powers that players possess and stay focused on the path towards destiny. Peacekeepers enter war-torn regions and intercede to fight for freedom, protect the innocent, or enforce treaties and justice after conflict ends. They are capable leaders and steeled fighters, able to command entire armies or spearhead an underground insurgency. The Peacekeeper Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ Core Rulebook is required to play.
  • $6.95

    Star Wars RPG: Force and Destiny - Starfighter Ace Specialization Deck

    Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games
    Use the Force to triumph in thrilling dogfights with the Starfighter Ace Specialization Deck for the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ roleplaying game. Each Force and Destiny Specialization Deck includes twenty talent cards for a single specialization. Thematic art on every card helps immerse you more fully in the Star Wars universe. With these cards players and Game Masters can easily comprehend the magnificent powers that players possess and stay focused on the path towards destiny. As a Starfighter Ace, you prefer to fight among the stars than planetside. Your natural piloting skills are matched only by your mechanical acumen, uncanny abilities in astrogration, and strength in the Force. No one can dodge fire or destroy enemy starfighters as well as you. The Starfighter Ace Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Force and Destiny™ Core Rulebook is required to play.