Rare and Out of Print Titles
Gamezenter has a number of rare and out of print titles available for game connoisseurs. Some titles will be new and some prior-owned or open copies.
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- $6.95
Star Wars RPG: Edge of the Empire - Explorer Signature Abilities
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesStar Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Specialization Decks provide GMs and players with a fun and easy way to manage character and NPC talents at the gaming table. New and experienced players alike will appreciate these handy reference cards, and GMs will love being able to keep the action moving. You’ll have the text of your talents at your fingertips, leaving you free to focus on the challenges at hand, while art for each talent immerses you even further into the Star Wars universe. The Explorer Signature Abilities Deck keeps the text of your Explorers’s Signature Abilities close at hand, allowing you to use them swiftly, rather than pause at critical junctures to look them up. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play. - $6.95
Star Wars RPG: Edge of the Empire - Big Game Hunter Specialization Deck
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesStar Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Specialization Decks provide GMs and players with a fun and easy way to manage character and NPC talents at the gaming table. New and experienced players alike will appreciate these handy reference cards, and GMs will love being able to keep the action moving. You’ll have the text of your talents at your fingertips, leaving you free to focus on the challenges at hand, while art for each talent immerses you even further into the Star Wars universe. The Big Game Hunter Specialization Deck keeps the text of your Big Game Hunter’s talents close at hand, allowing you to use them swiftly, rather than pause at critical junctures to look them up. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play. - $6.95
Star Wars RPG: Edge of the Empire - Archaeologist Specialization Deck
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesStar Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Specialization Decks provide GMs and players with a fun and easy way to manage character and NPC talents at the gaming table. New and experienced players alike will appreciate these handy reference cards, and GMs will love being able to keep the action moving. You’ll have the text of your talents at your fingertips, leaving you free to focus on the challenges at hand, while art for each talent immerses you even further into the Star Wars universe. The Archaeologist Specialization Deck keeps the text of your Archaeologist’s talents close at hand, allowing you to use them swiftly, rather than pause at critical junctures to look them up. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play. - $4.99
Star Wars RPG: Edge of the Empire - Mercenary Solider Specialization Deck
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesStar Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Specialization Decks provide GMs and players with a fun and easy way to manage character and NPC talents at the gaming table. New and experienced players alike will appreciate these handy reference cards, and GMs will love being able to keep the action moving. You’ll have the text of your talents at your fingertips, leaving you free to focus on the challenges at hand, while art for each talent immerses you even further into the Star Wars universe. The Mercenary Soldier is an adept of both ranged combat and military tactics, being a leader of warriors in combat and a deadly combatant himself. Among a group of adventurers, the Mercenary Soldier can be a true mental rock in critical situations, and the Mercenary Soldier Specialization Deck will keep you grounded in your games, allowing you to reference your talents quickly and easily, even in the heat of combat. Each Specialization Deck contains 2 cover cards (including a reference guide for each deck) and 20 standard sized talent cards. This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Star Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook is required to play. - $29.99
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesRare New Copy Everyone knows the Brothers Grimm scoured the lands of their native country for folk stories and compiled them into a book that came to be known as Grimm’s Fairy Tales. What is less widely accepted is that these stories had their basis in reality, or at least in truth. With the completion of the book, the Grimm Lands became something more than a fable, but something less than real. In the Grimm RPG, you play children trapped in the Grimm Lands. Your powerful imagination is a blessing and curse—it gives you power in the land of fairy tales, but may also be the thing keeping you here. - $25.00
Mansions of Madness (1st Edition): House of Fears
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThis is not a standalone product. A copy of the Mansions of Madness Second Edition Core Set is required to play. - $25.00
Mansions of Madness (1st Edition): Season of the Witch
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThis is not a standalone product. A copy of the Mansions of Madness Second Edition Core Set is required to play. - $29.95
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (3rd Edition): Players Guide
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe Player’s Guide is a hard-cover book containing all the essential information a player needs to make and play a character. The Player’s Guide compiles all the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Core Set player information into one hard-cover package, including the rules, card summaries, and updated examples of play. By summarizing all the information from the career sheets, action cards, and ability cards, the Player’s Guide lets groups choose to incorporate however many components they like (including none, if that’s your preference). - $60.00
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (3rd Edition): Creature Vault
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe Creature Vault introduces dozens of new denizens of the Old World to incorporate into your Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay campaigns. Featuring all the creatures from the WFRP Core Set and all subsequent expansions (through Signs of Faith) plus all new creatures, this Vault is an invaluable tool for building exciting encounters. Along with The Creature Guide, The Creature Vault introduces a new format for presenting enemy stats and information. Moving this information from book to cards and sheets allows GMs to build intricate encounters quickly and easily. Group sheets contain all the rules and abilities of particular creature categories, while Creature cards present all the stats and special rules for creatures within that category. Finally, Action and Talent cards allow GMs to customize their adversaries to fit their adventures. The Creature Guide contains 131 action cards, 105 creature stat cards, 14 creature category sheets, 3 small standups, 42 medium standups, and 13 large standups. This is not a complete game. A copy of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is required. - $60.00
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (3rd Edition): The Winds of Magic
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesMagic pervades the Old World, coursing through the Eight Winds. Humans that learn to harness the energy found in the Winds of Magic can become powerful wizards. Or they may succumb to Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, tempted by his offer of power, knowledge, and mastery of the dark arts. The Winds of Magic is a valuable resource for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. It provides all players with important background and setting information on the Colleges of Magic, new rules and tools for wizards to practice their art, dozens of new spells across all eight College Orders, and more suggestions and guidance for playing wizard characters. For the GM, The Winds of Magic also introduces the Ruinous Power Tzeentch, his daemonic minions, and insights into the Great Conspirator’s fiendish schemes. New rules for corruption and mutation expose the characters to greater risks over the course of their adventures. Finally, The Winds of Magic includes a complete adventure for GMs to challenge their players with a dangerous plot unfolding in the heart of the Empire. - $1.99
A Game of Thrones LCG (1st Edition): A Sword in the Darkness (1st Printing)
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThis exciting expansion features the never-before-seen character cards Stallwart Shield and Orell the Eagle. What’s more, a new version of Jon Snow fits equally well into either a Wildling or a Night’s Watch deck, and when wielding his sword Long Claw, he’s even more formidable! A Sword in the Darkness is the third installment in the Defenders of the North expansion to the A Game of Thrones living card game, based on George R.R. Martin’s bestselling A Song of Ice and Fire saga. This 40 card pack. . - $7.99
A Game of Thrones LCG (1st Edition): Beyond the Wall (1st Printing)
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesBeyond the Wall lies a cold, wintery landscape populated by direwolves, mammoths, and the rugged wildlings known as The Free Folk. These harsh men and women form a constant and savage threat to the grim defenders stationed at The Wall. Beyond the Wall is the second installment in the Defenders of the North expansion to the A Game of Thrones living card game, based on George R.R. Martin’s bestselling A Song of Ice and Fire saga. This 40 card pack - $20.00
A Game of Thrones LCG (1st Edition): The Wildling Horde (1st Printing)
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesNorth of the Wall, the forces of the Wildlings have been mustering, and the sparse defense provided by the dedicated men of the Night’s Watch will soon be overwhelmed by this massive army. Take up arms alongside this cause, or against it, and affect the very fate of Westeros! The Wildling Horde is the fourth installment in the Defenders of the North expansion to A Game of Thrones : The Card Game based on George R.R. Martin’s bestselling A Song of Ice and Fire saga. This is a 40-card pack. - $6.99
Star Wars LCG: Lure of the Dark Side Force Pack
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe Lure of the Dark Side Force Pack continues the Echoes of the Force cycle, exploring the power of the Force and its impact on the galaxy. Echoes of the Force leads you on an epic exploration of the power of the Force, crossing both the light and the dark sides. Are you disciplined enough to survive the temptations of the dark side? In Lure of the Dark Side, you will uncover both the raw power of the dark side, and the methods the light side can use to resist the seduction of power. Shadowy agents of the Emperor, like Mara Jade, work behind Rebel lines, occasionally enlisting the aid of powerful new Bounty Hunters. Meanwhile, the Rebel Alliance engages in commando operations as they battle the Imperial Navy against all odds. With the ten objective sets (two copies each of five different objective sets) included in this Force Pack, you'll learn even more of the true power of the Force. Join heroes like Dash Rendar and General Crix Madine and resist the lure of the dark side, or take the quick and easy path, claiming the power of rage and hate! CONTAINS OBJECTIVE SETS 102-106. This is not a stand-alone deck. A Star Wars™: The Card Game Core Set is required to play. - $23.99
Android Netrunner LCG: Mala Tempora
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesMala Tempora is a data pack for Android: Netrunner and contains 60 new cards (3 copies each of 20 different cards) designed to augment Corp and Runner decks. Android: Netrunner is an asymmetrical card game for two players. Hack into the future and change your reality, one run at a time. Contains cards 41-60 of the Spin cycle. The Android: Netrunner core set is required to play. - $24.99
Android Netrunner LCG: True Colors
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesTrue Colors is a data pack for Android: Netrunner and contains 60 new cards (3 copies each of 20 different cards) designed to augment Corp and Runner decks. Android: Netrunner is an asymmetrical card game for two players. Hack into the future and change your reality, one run at a time. Contains cards 61-80 of the Spin cycle. The Android: Netrunner core set is required to play. - $8.99
A Game of Thrones LCG (1st Edition): Forgotten Fellowship
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games“Any knight can make a knight,” said the scarecrow that was Beric Dondarrion, “and every man you see before you has felt a sword upon his shoulder. We are the forgotten fellowship.” –George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords Forgotten Fellowship is the fifth Chapter Pack in the Kingsroad cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game . The Seven Kingdoms are a volatile land, and the Lords and Ladies of its Great Houses are always biding their time, waiting for the moment that their foes stumble ever so slightly; in that moment, they can dash forward and slit their rivals’ throats. In an instant, the downtrodden can be crushed completely, and the mighty can be brought low. As a part of the Kingsroad cycle, Forgotten Fellowship marks a return to some of the most memorable characters, locations, and events from A Song of Ice and Fire . It also depicts a Westeros forever changed by the War of the Five Kings. Among the changes you’ll find in this scarred land are Brotherhood characters whose abilities function even if you have power on your House card…so long as you have less power on your House card than your opponent has on his. As we are reminded by the Chapter Pack's sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty different cards), no amount of power is safe until your final victory is secured. This is a Chapter Pack for the downtrodden and the underdogs, and you’ll find such noteworthy characters as Harwin, Lady of the Leaves, and Gendry! An A Game of Thrones: The Card Game core set is required to play. Contains cards 81-100 of the Kingsroad series. - $19.99
A Game of Thrones LCG (1st Edition): Core Set
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground." -Cersei Lannister Across the Seven Kingdoms, the Great Houses of Westeros struggle to control the Iron Throne. The battle begins here in the A Game of Thrones Core Game . The beloved heroes, villains, locations, and events of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire saga come to life in this customizable card game. Players take control of the Starks, Baratheons, Lannisters, or Targaryens and attempt to plot, fight, conspire, manipulate, and bribe their way to victory. The A Game of Thrones card game can be played in a multiplayer "melee" format with 3-4 players, or in a one-on-one "joust" format with 2 players. But whichever format you choose, the game has only just begun! In the world of the Living Card Game™, hundreds of additional cards are available separately, allowing players to customize the four houses included here, or create entirely original decks. Welcome to A Game of Thrones: The Card Game , where you'll experience George R.R. Martin's Westeros like never before! Game Contents: Game Board Rulebook 6 Plastic Title Markers 6 Multi-player Reference Cards 60 Power Counters 44 Gold Coins 6 House Cards Four 52-cards Decks - $4.99
A Game of Thrones LCG (1st Edition): Ancestral Home
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight Games“Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights.” –George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords Ancestral Home is the fourth Chapter Pack in the Conquest and Defiance cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game . Every House in Westeros attempts to win their way to the Iron Throne, but the roots of a House’s claim flow from its lineage and its ancestral seat of power. The Starks have held Winterfell for generations, Casterly Rock is the traditional home of House Lannister, and House Martell has long claimed Dorne as their capital. In the Ancestral Home Chapter Pack, you’ll discover a Title for every faction, including the Neutral Faction! Among the sixty cards from Ancestral Home (three copies each of twenty individual cards), you’ll find a host of new Prized characters, locations, and events, as well as a Prized Title for each faction. You'll find new, Prized versions of Renly Baratheon and Tyrion Lannister in Ancestral Home , as well as a champion-designed agenda that offers a deck building challenge to any player! An A Game of Thrones: The Card Game core set is required to play. Contains cards 61-80 of the Conquest and Defiance cycle. - $8.99
Star Wars LCG: Knowledge and Defense Force Pack
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesKnowledge and Defense is the third Force Pack in the Echoes of the Force cycle, continuing the cycle's journey into the power and mystery of the Force. As the forces of the dark and light sides clash over the galaxy, you'll find new tricks alongside iconic ships and characters in this Force Pack. You'll find Kyle Katarn's starship, Moldy Crow, searching for the Valley of the Jedi, even as the Rebel Alliance makes a return to Hoth. The Scum and Villainy of the galaxy grow rich off of the slave trade, and a new darkness is rising on the planet Dromund Kaas under the leadership of the deadly Sith Prophetess, Sariss. Whichever factions you choose to support in the battle for the galaxy, you'll be sure to reap the benefits of devoting yourself to the Force. With the ten objective sets (two copies each of five different objective sets) included in this Force Pack, you will experience the unleashed power of the Force, whether you use it for knowledge and defense, or for your own personal gain! CONTAINS OBJECTIVE SETS 107-111. This is not a stand-alone deck. A Star Wars™: The Card Game Core Set is required to play. - $29.99
Dust Tactics: SSU Specialists
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThe SSU Specialist Expansion includes both the SSU Observer Team and the SSU Sniper Team . Each of these two-man units excels at exploiting opponents’ vulnerabilities, striking at key targets from a distance. The SSU Observer Team uses their Artillery Strike skill to find and relay the positions of vulnerable targets to the SSU’s biggest and most destructive guns, and the SSU Sniper Team softens enemy squads with their Widowmaker rifles and the ability to select their targets. All miniatures are unpainted. Dust Tactics is a tactical miniatures game of brutal combat for 2-4 players. Based on the popular universe created by artist Paolo Parente, Dust Tactics presents an alternate 1940s reality in which alien technology fuels gigantic machines of war, and the world's superpowers clash over rare mineral deposits that could ultimately decide the outcome of WWII. - $19.99
Dust Tactics: SSU Red Guard Command Squad
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesThese Red Guards bring a hefty amount of firepower to the battlefield on top of the usual abilities that a command squad brings. In addition to being able to call in artillery strikes and revive other units, these soldiers are also sporting UGLs and a PTRS-47. Command the field and blow away your enemies when necessary with the powerful and highly versatile Red Guards Command Squad . All miniatures are unpainted. Dust Tactics is a tactical miniatures game of brutal combat for 2-4 players. Based on the popular universe created by artist Paolo Parente, Dust Tactics presents an alternate 1940s reality in which alien technology fuels gigantic machines of war, and the world's superpowers clash over rare mineral deposits that could ultimately decide the outcome of WWII. - $39.95
Dust Warfare: Campaign Book - Icarus
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesCampaign Book: Icarus is a supplement for Dust Warfare and introduces a host of new aerial rules, along with a focus on the airfields of Zverograd. New special abilities like Air Superiority give jets the edge in dogfighting, while new platoon upgrades and a variant battle-builder take the war to new heights! - $74.99
Dust Tactics: Core Set (Revised Edition)
Asmodee: Fantasy Flight GamesWelcome to Dust Tactics – an alternate historical background for a magnificent tactical miniatures board game filled with cinematic gameplay, fierce combat, and a clean rules set with enough depth for gamers of all types. Dust Tactics pits two to four players in furiously paced battles to determine the fate of the world, in an immersive setting, with stunning miniatures. Whether you’re a fan of tabletop miniatures, enjoy strategy games, or highly thematic board games, you owe it to yourself to check out Dust Tactics ! All miniatures are unpainted. Dust Tactics is a tactical miniatures game of brutal combat for 2-4 players. Based on the popular universe created by artist Paolo Parente, Dust Tactics presents an alternate 1940s reality in which alien technology fuels gigantic machines of war, and the world's superpowers clash over rare mineral deposits that could ultimately decide the outcome of WWII.